FPCA – Functional Principal Component Analysis (FPCA): What is it All About

dimensionality reductionfunctional-data-analysishigh-dimensionalpcatime series

Functional principal component analysis (FPCA) is something I have stumbled upon and never got to understand. What is it all about?

See "A survey of functional principal component
analysis" by Shang, 2011
, and I'm citing:

PCA runs into serious difficulties in analyzing
functional data because of the “curse of dimensionality” (Bellman 1961). The “curse
of dimensionality” originates from data sparsity in high-dimensional space. Even
if the geometric properties of PCA remain valid, and even if numerical techniques
deliver stable results, the sample covariance matrix is sometimes a poor estimate
of the population covariance matrix. To overcome this difficulty, FPCA provides
a much more informative way of examining the sample covariance structure than
PCA […]

I just don't get it. What is the drawback this paper is describing? Isn't PCA supposed to be the ultimate method to handle situations like the “curse of dimensionality”?

Best Answer

Exactly, as you state in the question and as @tdc puts in his answer, in case of extremely high dimensions even if the geometric properties of PCA remain valid, the covariance matrix is no longer a good estimate of the real population covariance.

There's a very interesting paper "Functional Principal Component Analysis of fMRI Data" (pdf) where they use functional PCA to visualize the variance:

...As in other explorative techniques, the objective is that of providing an initial assessment that will give the data a chance “to speak for themselves” before an appropriate model is chosen. [...]

In the paper they explain how exactly they've done it, and also provide theoretical reasoning:

The decisive advantage of this approach consists in the possibility of specifying a set of assumptions in the choice of the basis function set and in the error functional minimized by the fit. These assumptions will be weaker than the specification of a predefined hemodynamic function and a set of events or conditions as in F-masking, thus preserving the exploratory character of the procedure; however, the assumptions might remain stringent enough to overcome the difficulties of ordinary PCA.