Solved – Formula for standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) in longitudinal latent variable models (SEM, CFA)

confirmatory-factorgoodness of fitlatent-variablestructural-equation-modeling

First note, related: What is the formula for Standardized Root Mean Residual (SRMR) in the context of latent variable models (e.g., SEM, CFA)?

I was wondering what the adaption to the formula should be in case of multiple groups or longitudinal data (i.e. several time points).

enter image description here

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As provided in the related / linked question, source: Hu, L.; Bentler, Peter (1999). "Cutoff criteria for fit indexes in covariance structure analysis: Conventional criteria versus new alternatives". Structural Equation Modeling. 6 (1): 1–55.

Best Answer

For the multi group SEM, the SRMR is calculated by using a weighted average under the square root where each sample covariance matrix is compared to the model predicted covariance matrix. I did not locate a reference, but I did run a quick multi-group SEM, and then calculated the single group SEMs and confirmed this formula to be correct.

Requested Addition
Demonstration for calculating SRMR for two groups: $$SRMR = \sqrt{\frac{n_1·SRMR_1^2 + n_2·SRMR_2^2}{n_1+n_2}}$$ where $n_i$ and $SRMR_i$ are the sample size and $SRMR$ of group $i$, respectively. (Worked example in comments below.)

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