Solved – Formal test for exogeneity of instruments


Is there a way for me to formally test the exogeneity of my instruments? For instance, I have an endogenous variable, FDI, which I am instrumenting with "ease of doing business ratings," as a better score on ease of doing business improves the FDI inflows into an economy. How would I test that this instrument is not related to my dependent variable (patent grant) in the structural model?

Best Answer

If you have exactly as many instrumental variables as endogenous regressors, then there is no way to test for IV validity in a homogenous effects model. Consider, for example the following model: $$ Y = \alpha + \beta D + U $$ This is a homogeneous effects model: the treatment effect is a constant $\beta$ that is the same for everyone. The two IV assumptions are relevance and exogeneity. Relevance requires that $\text{Cov}(Z,D) \neq 0$. This is directly testable. Exogeneity requires that $\text{Cov}(Z,U) = 0$. This cannot be tested. To see why suppose that $Z$ is in fact an endogenous instrument, i.e. that Suppose that $Z$ is in fact an invalid instrument, i.e. that $\text{Cov}(Z,U) \neq 0$. In this case the IV estimand is still perfectly well-defined, it simply doesn't equal $\beta$: $$ \beta_{IV} = \frac{\text{Cov}(Z,Y)}{\text{Cov}(Z,D)} = \beta + \frac{\text{Cov}(Z,U)}{\text{Cov}(Z,D)}, \quad \alpha_{IV} = \mathbb{E}(Y) - \beta_{IV} \mathbb{E}(D). $$ Now, let $V$ be the IV residual: $V \equiv Y - \alpha_{IV} - \beta_{IV} D$. Note that $V$ is only equal to $U$ if $Z$ is a valid instrument, because this is the only way that we can have $\beta_{IV} = \beta$ and $\alpha_{IV} = \alpha$. Using our definition of $V$, we can calculate $\text{Cov}(Z,V)$ as follows: \begin{align*} \text{Cov}(Z,V) &= \text{Cov}(Z, Y - \alpha_{IV} - \beta_{IV} D) = \text{Cov}(Z,Y) - \beta_{IV} \text{Cov}(Z,D) \\ &= \text{Cov}(Z,Y) - \frac{\text{Cov}(Z,Y)}{\text{Cov}(Z,D)} \text{Cov}(Z,D) = 0. \end{align*} In other words, $Z$ is always perfectly uncorrelated with the IV residual $V$ by construction, regardless of whether $Z$ is correlated with the structural error $U$.

A Durbin-Hausman-Wu test checks whether the OLS and IV estimands are the same. This does not tell us whether the instrument is invalid.

When there are more instruments than endogenous regressors, an overidentifying restrictions test can be used to test the null hypothesis that both instruments are valid. The intuition is as follows. Continue to assume that $Y = \alpha + \beta D + U$ but suppose now that we have two relevant instruments $Z_1$ and $Z_2$, i.e. $\text{Cov}(Z_1, D) \neq 0$ and $\text{Cov}(Z_2,D)\neq 0$. Define two IV estimands: one that uses $Z_1$ to instrument for $D$ and another that uses $Z_2$, namely $$ \beta_{IV}^{(1)} \equiv \frac{\text{Cov}(Z_1,Y)}{\text{Cov}(Z_1,D)} = \beta + \frac{\text{Cov}(Z_1,U)}{\text{Cov}(Z_1,D)} $$ and $$ \beta_{IV}^{(2)} \equiv \frac{\text{Cov}(Z_2,Y)}{\text{Cov}(Z_2,D)} = \beta + \frac{\text{Cov}(Z_2,U)}{\text{Cov}(Z_2,D)}. $$ Taking differences of the two estimands, we obtain $$ \beta_{IV}^{(1)} - \beta_{IV}^{(2)} = \frac{\text{Cov}(Z_1,U)}{\text{Cov}(Z_1,D)} - \frac{\text{Cov}(Z_2,U)}{\text{Cov}(Z_2,D)}. $$ If both $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ are valid instruments, then $\text{Cov}(Z_1,U) = \text{Cov}(Z_2,U) = 0$ which implies $\beta_{IV}^{(1)} - \beta_{IV}^{(2)} = 0$. Therefore, if $\beta_{IV}^{(1)}$ and $\beta_{IV}^{(2)}$ differ then at least one of the instruments $(Z_1,Z_2)$ must be invalid. While it is formulated in a slightly different way, a test of overidentifying restrictions exploits this basic intuition to provide a test of the joint null hypothesis that both instruments are valid: $\text{Cov}(Z_1,U) = \text{Cov}(Z_2,U) = 0$. While this example concerns two instruments in a model with a single endogenous regressor, the same idea applies whenever there are more instruments than endogenous regressors.

In a model with heterogeneous treatment effects, the equivalent of instrument exogeneity does have testable implications even if there are as many endogenous regressors as instruments. See the following references for details:

  • Huber, Martin, and Giovanni Mellace. "Testing instrument validity for LATE identification based on inequality moment constraints." Review of Economics and Statistics 97.2 (2015): 398-411.
  • Mourifié, Ismael, and Yuanyuan Wan. "Testing local average treatment effect assumptions." Review of Economics and Statistics 99.2 (2017): 305-313.
  • Kitagawa, Toru. "A test for instrument validity." Econometrica 83.5 (2015): 2043-2063.
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