Solved – Forecasting a transformed time series

arimadata transformationforecastingr

I have fitted a seasonal ARIMA model using R to a log transformed times series which I called lnseries.

I can forecast fine for the transformed time series (lnseries) storing the ARIMA model (which I called fit) then using the command:


this shows me the forecast and 95% confidence interval. But I'm stuck on how to get the actual original time series forecast plot using this model.

Help anyone!?

Best Answer

If you're trying to forecast an interval for future observations, exponentiating the limits from the log-scale forecasts should do.

If your log-data is approximately symmetric, exponentiating the log-scale forecast should give you a median forecast on the original scale; if that's good enough you're pretty much set.

If your sample sizes are quite large and you have approximate normality on the log scale you could treat your variance estimate as "known" and produce a reasonable approximation of a mean forecast by taking $\exp(\hat{y}_t+\frac{1}{2}\sigma^2_{t})$ where $\sigma^2_{t}$ is the conditional variance of the predicted observation.