Solved – For Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, should target density and proposal distribution have the same distribution


I watched some youtube videos about the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. They used a Gaussian as a proposal function to estimate an unknown Gaussian, or used a Gamma function as the proposal function to estimate an unknown Gamma.

I tested this with some simple MATLAB code and it didn't work.

n = 20000;
x = zeros(n,1);
x(1) = 0.5;

for i = 1:n-1
    % x_c = normrnd(x(i), 0.05); % proposal function (0.5, 0.05)
    x_c = gamma(x(i)); % will it works with a different distribution?
    if rand() < min(1, normpdf(x_c) / normpdf(x(i)))
        x(i+1)= x_c;
        x(i+1) = x(i);
hist(x, 100) % to get the standard Gaussian (0,1)

So I wonder when using Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to estimate an unknown distribution, should the proposal function have the same distribution?

Best Answer

The target function's form is often not known and often does not have any particular parametric representation, so the answer is no. I frequently sample from a Gaussian proposal distribution when I don't expect the target distribution to have any particular form.

If you have some knowledge of the domain, such as nonnegative reals or integers or something, that can help you decide which distributions from which to sample.

As others pointed out in the comments, you are not using the correct Matlab function for sampling. See gamrnd.