Solved – Fixed number of trials in binomial distribution

binomial distributiondistributions

What is meant by the condition for a binomial distribution that the number of trials must be fixed?

Does this mean the number of trials must be fixed before the experiment?

Best Answer

It is hard to comment without further details, but your question can be given a general answer.

Binomial distribution describes the number of successes $k$ in $n$ trials, where the probability of success is $p$. So you have a fixed $n$ and $p$, i.e. they are parameters of your distribution and are not random. If you needed a distribution where the number of trials is also a random variable, you would have to define it in terms of a compound distribution rather then using simple binomial model. Another example of varying $n$ is a negative binomial distribution, where you stop your experiment after seeing $r$ failures -- so the sample size is not specified at start.

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