Solved – Fixed effects in regression discontinuity design


I want to do a non parametric RDD type analysis to know the impact of an intervention (a single dummy variable) on an outcome variable. I have several 'boundaries' (which are actually different geographical locations) around which I will be picking observations.

Consider that I have only 2 observations at each boundary- one with the intervention and one without it. I can assume that all other relevant variables are the same for the pair of observations at each boundary.

Can I then regress the outcome variable on the intervention dummy along with boundary fixed effects? My main concern is regarding use of fixed effects with just 2 observations at each boundary — I am not sure if that is legit.

Best Answer

For reasons explained in my comment, you will get identical estimates for the treatment coefficient.

Here's a numerical example of "hard" RDD using Stata. We will use a experimental dataset of 12 cars. Each car was run once without a beneficial fuel additive (condition 1) and once with (condition 2). The outcome is miles per gallon. This setup is similar to your cross-border pairs, where one member is treated, but they are otherwise similar.

. use, clear

. gen diff = mpg2-mpg1

. list, clean noobs

    mpg1   mpg2   diff  
      20     24      4  
      23     25      2  
      21     21      0  
      25     22     -3  
      18     23      5  
      17     18      1  
      18     17     -1  
      24     28      4  
      20     24      4  
      24     27      3  
      23     21     -2  
      19     23      4  

. reg diff

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        12
-------------+----------------------------------   F(0, 11)        =      0.00
       Model |           0         0           .   Prob > F        =         .
    Residual |       80.25        11  7.29545455   R-squared       =    0.0000
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.0000
       Total |       80.25        11  7.29545455   Root MSE        =     2.701

        diff |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
       _cons |       1.75   .7797144     2.24   0.046     .0338602     3.46614

. gen pair_id = _n

. reshape long mpg, i(pair_id) j(treat)
(note: j = 1 2)

Data                               wide   ->   long
Number of obs.                       12   ->      24
Number of variables                   4   ->       4
j variable (2 values)                     ->   treat
xij variables:
                              mpg1 mpg2   ->   mpg

. reg mpg i.treat  i.pair_id 

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        24
-------------+----------------------------------   F(12, 11)       =      4.03
       Model |       176.5        12  14.7083333   Prob > F        =    0.0139
    Residual |      40.125        11  3.64772727   R-squared       =    0.8148
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.6127
       Total |     216.625        23  9.41847826   Root MSE        =    1.9099

         mpg |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
     2.treat |       1.75   .7797144     2.24   0.046     .0338602     3.46614
     pair_id |
          2  |          2   1.909902     1.05   0.317    -2.203667    6.203667
          3  |         -1   1.909902    -0.52   0.611    -5.203667    3.203667
          4  |        1.5   1.909902     0.79   0.449    -2.703667    5.703667
          5  |       -1.5   1.909902    -0.79   0.449    -5.703667    2.703667
          6  |       -4.5   1.909902    -2.36   0.038    -8.703667   -.2963331
          7  |       -4.5   1.909902    -2.36   0.038    -8.703667   -.2963331
          8  |          4   1.909902     2.09   0.060    -.2036669    8.203667
          9  |   1.03e-15   1.909902     0.00   1.000    -4.203667    4.203667
         10  |        3.5   1.909902     1.83   0.094    -.7036669    7.703667
         11  |   1.15e-15   1.909902     0.00   1.000    -4.203667    4.203667
         12  |         -1   1.909902    -0.52   0.611    -5.203667    3.203667
       _cons |     21.125    1.40565    15.03   0.000     18.03118    24.21882

. xtreg mpg i.treat, fe

    Fixed-effects (within) regression               Number of obs     =         24
    Group variable: pair_id                         Number of groups  =         12

    R-sq:                                           Obs per group:
         within  = 0.3141                                         min =          2
         between =      .                                         avg =        2.0
         overall = 0.0848                                         max =          2

                                                    F(1,11)           =       5.04
    corr(u_i, Xb)  = 0.0000                         Prob > F          =     0.0463

             mpg |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         2.treat |       1.75   .7797144     2.24   0.046     .0338602     3.46614
           _cons |         21   .5513413    38.09   0.000     19.78651    22.21349
         sigma_u |  2.6809513
         sigma_e |  1.9099024
             rho |  .66334557   (fraction of variance due to u_i)
    F test that all u_i=0: F(11, 11) = 3.94                      Prob > F = 0.015

All 3 methods yield an estimated marginal improvement of 1.75 miles per gallon, with a standard error of 0.78.