Solved – Fitting log-normal distribution in R vs. SciPy


I've fitted a lognormal model using R with a set of data. The resulting parameters were:

meanlog = 4.2991610 
sdlog = 0.5511349

I'd like to transfer this model to Scipy, which I've never used before. Using Scipy, I was able to get a shape and scale of 1 and 3.1626716539637488e+90 — very different numbers. I've also tried to use the exp of the meanlog and sdlog but continue to get bizarre graph.

I've read every doc I can on scipy and am still confused about what the shape and scale parameters mean in this instance. Would it just make sense to code the function myself? That seems prone to errors though, as I'm new to scipy.

SCIPY Lognormal (BLUE) vs. R Lognormal (RED):
Scipy Lognormal (BLUE) vs. R Lognormal (RED)

Any thoughts on what direction to take? The data is fit very well with the R model, by the way, so if it looks like something else in Python, feel free to share.

Thank you!


I'm running Scipy 0.11

Here's a subset of the data. The actual sample is 38k+, with a mean of 81.53627:


[60, 170, 137, 138, 81, 140, 78, 46, 1, 168, 138, 148, 145, 35, 82, 126, 66, 147, 88, 106, 80, 54, 83, 13, 102, 54, 134, 34]


I am working on a function to capture the pdf:

def lognoral(x, mu, sigma):
    a = 1 / (x * sigma * numpy.sqrt(2 * numpy.pi) )
    b = - (numpy.log(x) - mu) ^ 2 / (2 * sigma ^ 2)
    p = a * numpy.exp(b)
    return p

However, this give me numbers the following (I tried several in case I was getting the meaning of sdlog and meanlog mixed up):

>>> lognormal(54,4.2991610, 0.5511349)
 >>> lognormal(54,numpy.exp(4.2991610), 0.5511349)
>>> lognormal(54,numpy.exp(4.2991610), numpy.exp(0.5511349))

Any thoughts?


rerunning with "UPQuark's" suggestion:

shape, loc, scale
(1.0, 50.03445923295007, 19.074457156766517)

The shape of the graph is very similar, however, with the peak happening around 21.

Best Answer

I fought my way through the source code, to arrive at the following interpretation of the scipy lognormal routine.

$\frac{x-\text{loc}}{\text{scale}} \sim \text{Lognormal}(\sigma)$

where $\sigma$ is the "shape" parameter.

The equivalence between scipy parameters and R parameter is as follows:

loc - No equivalent, this gets subtracted from your data so that 0 becomes the infimum of the range of the data.

scale - $\exp{\mu}$, where $\mu$ is the mean of the log of the variate. (When fitting, typically you'd use the sample mean of the log of the data.)

shape - the standard deviation of the log of the variate.

I called lognorm.pdf(x, 0.55, 0, numpy.exp(4.29)) where the arguments are (x, shape, loc, scale) respectively, and generated the following values:

x pdf

10 0.000106

20 0.002275

30 0.006552

40 0.009979

50 0.114557

60 0.113479

70 0.103327

80 0.008941

90 0.007494

100 0.006155

which seem to match pretty well with your R curve.