Solved – Fit a Weibull distribution to…right-censored data

censoringrsurvivalweibull distribution

Premise: I know next to nothing about survival analysis, I just started. I have a vector of failure times for some machines. Most of the machines (3362 vs 2694) are still running today, so I know they haven't failed, and the failure time is at some unknown time in the future. If I'm not mistaken, we call this right-censored data. Correct? Now, I would like to start simple and fit a Weibull distribution to these data. No regression, no covariates – just fit a distribution to these data, and see what it looks like. Is this possible? What are the methods used to fit a Weibull distribution to right-censored data, and are there some of these methods available in R?

EDIT adding a data sample to show what I would like to do

# sample data set
foo <- structure(list(time = c(416L, 307L, 552L, 740L, 1126L, 442L, 
765L, 375L, 275L, 623L, 455L, 695L, 724L, 1653L, 529L, 615L, 
15L, 477L, 758L, 353L, 851L, 25L, 524L, 283L, 954L, 183L, 558L, 
851L, 377L, 208L), event = c(1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1)), .Names = c("time", 
"event"), row.names = c(1170L, 5856L, 1237L, 1448L, 1161L, 4759L, 
2766L, 3321L, 4253L, 5645L, 3875L, 3531L, 238L, 3204L, 714L, 
2161L, 3275L, 5879L, 3758L, 2406L, 1548L, 4234L, 87L, 2548L, 
3958L, 5872L, 3326L, 1549L, 4823L, 1002L), class = "data.frame")

# fit a Weibull distribution
weibull_fit <- survreg(Surv(time, event) ~ 1, data = foo)

# Call:
# survreg(formula = Surv(time, event) ~ 1, data = foo)
#             Value Std. Error     z        p
# (Intercept)  6.881      0.132 52.14 0.000000
# Log(scale)  -0.758      0.197 -3.86 0.000115
# Scale= 0.469 
# Weibull distribution
# Loglik(model)= -101.2   Loglik(intercept only)= -101.2
# Number of Newton-Raphson Iterations: 8 
# n= 30 

R fits the distribution, which is what I wanted. But I hoped there would be some function to plot the survival function, with confidence bounds…it looks like there's none.

EDIT2 for those interested in a simple intro to Survival Analysis, this page is short but sweet:

Best Answer

Fitting is implemented in R's classic survival package (this function), or flexsurv, which has more flexibility, but a different parametrization for Weibull (flexsurvreg function here). Both also provide a few other distributions to try out.

Although I am not entirely sure about the method, it looks like both packages use likelihood maximization (from inspection of source functions, e.g. body(flexsurv::flexsurvreg)).

For more detailed R instructions and plotting examples, see this question on SO. The idea there is to take various survival fractions $S(t)$, use predict.survreg as $S^{-1}(t)$ to get the corresponding times, and plot those on your own. In the no-covariate case that you have the call can be just predict(weibull_fit, type="quantile", p=x)[1], with x - some quantile.

Note that these are just the predictions given estimated parameters - if you want to incorporate the uncertainty about the estimates as well, you will need to switch to log scale, add to the predict call and use that to calculate the confidence intervals for the predicted times. Something like:

pr = predict(weibull_fit, type="uquantile", p=0.5,
lims = c(pr$fit[1] + 1.96*pr$[1], pr$fit[1] - 1.96*pr$[1])
lims = exp(lims)

should give 95 % CI for predicted median survival time.

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