Solved – Fisher’s exact test in R


First, I am no expert but I am analyzing some marketing data. I have information on two versions of the same site, and I have data on the number of times people filled out a form on each version of the site. I want to know if one of the site variation performs better at generating more filled out forms.

Sample data:

dat2 = matrix(c(10,50,35,40), ncol=2)
                             Site 1                Site 2
Filled out form                10                    35     
Did not fill out form          50                    40

> fisher.test(dat2)

    Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  dat2 
p-value = 0.0002381
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1 
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.09056509 0.54780215 
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

I'm really not sure if I set up the test properly, but I can obviously reject the null hypothesis given the low p-value. Site 2 converts better than site 1 at a statistically significant threshold.

Given the problem, am I performing the correct test?

Best Answer

You're doing everything fine. However, I would recommend Barnard's exact test than Fisher exact test.