Solved – Fishers exact test for more than 2×2 tables


I have two categorical variables. One variable has 5 categories, the other has 7 (a 5×7 table) B/c there were less than 5 frequencies in each cell, instead of doing a chi square I want to do a fisher's. However, when I try to run the code in SAS, I get a warning that it will take a long time. It has been now 30 mins and it's still running.

I don't think there is anything wrong with the program/computer, I think it's b/c I have 2 categorical variables that have MORE THAN 2 categories. So it's more of a 5×5 table.

Can someone please tell me if:
a) I am running the correct test?
b) what can I do to actually run the test in SAS. It is taking way to long and I don't think it will actually run. Is there an alternative?

Best Answer

sas can do fisher's exact for r x c tables: "Fisher’s exact test was extended to general tables by Freeman and Halton (1951), and this test is also known as the Freeman-Halton test" (sas help ref). It can take time to run however. Wikipedia also mentions this: wiki fisher exact. If your variable has ordered categories then consider the cmh option instead (cmh in proc freq)