Solved – Fisher information from MLE in R

fisher informationlikelihoodmaximum likelihood

Reworded the question:
I have read "The Fisher information I(p) is this negative second derivative of the log-likelihood function, averaged over all possible X = {h, N–h}, when we assume some value of p is true." from

Does there exist a numerical way to find an observed Fisher Information? I would be grateful if anyone can suggest some intuitive guide on how Fisher Information, CRLB, MLE, Score function, Standard errors are related using a simple Bernoulli trial experiment?
Basic question about Fisher Information matrix and relationship to Hessian and standard errors

I need to visualize how negative second derivative of the log-likelihood function gives Fisher Information? It looks like an observed and expected Fisher Information and Standard error of estimate exist, I want to validate them both (empirical vs. theoretical). To make it even more confusing I came across this
enter image description here

Best Answer

Using numerical differentiation is overkill. Just do the math instead.

For a Poisson random variable, the Fisher information (of a single observation) is 1/$\lambda$ (the precision or inverse variance). For a sample you have either expected or observed information. For expected information, use $\hat{\lambda}$ as a plugin estimate for $\lambda$ in the above. For observed information, you take the variance of a score. The Poisson score is $S(\lambda) = \frac{1}{\lambda}(X-\lambda)$.

Now I can't confirm any of your results because you didn't bother to set a seed (*angrily shakes fist*). I can tell you if you want to confirm the validity of two methods, you should use the same sample. But regardless, with $n=500$ I can say they disagree and neither 10 nor 0.1 is the right value. It should be 0.2.

10 comes from $\sqrt{500/5}$ where you forgot to scale the log-likelihood by 1/n. 0.1 is the standard error of the mean, where the variance (which is $\lambda$ for Poisson distribution).

To plot these, just use the sufficient statistic $\bar{X}$ which is the UMVUE.

x <- rpois(500, 5)
xhat <- mean(x)
score <- function(lambda) (xhat-lambda)/lambda
curve(score, from=2, to =8, xlab='Lambda', ylab='Score')
abline(a=1, b=-0.2, col='red')
legend('topright', lty=1, col=c('black', 'red'), c('Score function', 'Tangent at root'))


> 1/xhat ## expected information
[1] 0.1997603
> var((x-xhat)/xhat) ## observed information
[1] 0.1932819

enter image description here

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