Solved – Find the confidence interval, uniform distribution

confidence intervalestimationinferencepivotself-study

Let $X_1,..,X_n$ a random sample of $X$~$U[-\theta,\theta]$,
$\theta>0$. Find the confidence interval for $\theta$.

I'm trying to find a pivotal quantity with the maximum and minimum, but I can not find any, can anyone give me a tip?

EDIT: I can take $Q(X;\theta)=\frac{max|X_i|}{\theta}$ as pivotal quantity?

Best Answer

First you need to find the distribution of the sufficient statistic $T=\max |X_i|$. You've already seen that $|X_i|=U\sim\mathrm{U}(0,\theta)$. To find the distribution of the maximum of $n$ observations, $T=U_{(n)}$, it's easiest to consider the cumulative distribution function:

$$\begin{align} F_T(t) &= \Pr (U_{(n)} < t) = \Pr(U_1 <t, U_2 <t, \ldots, U_n <t)\\ &=F_U(t)^n= \left(\frac{t}{\theta}\right)^n \end{align}$$

Differentiating with respect to $t$ gives the density

$$f_T(t)= \frac{nt^{n-1}}{\theta^n}$$

You can now calculate the density function of your proposed pivot $Q = \frac{T}{\theta}$ to confirm it's free of $\theta$:

$$f_Q(q)=f_T(\theta q)\cdot\left|\frac{\mathrm{d}t}{\mathrm{d}q}\right|=\frac{n(\theta q)^{n-1}}{\theta^n}\cdot\theta=nq^{n-1}$$