Solved – Find Q1 and Q3 from median and IQR

descriptive statisticsinterquartilemedianquantilesrange

A study gives the following:

$n = 67$

mean = 73

sd = 68

median = 55

IQR = 66

Is it possible from this information to get the actual Q1 and Q3 values? I used the $n$, mean & sd to get 95% CI. Should that be roughly similar?

Best Answer

As @Dave noted in a comment, you would have to make some assumptions about the distribution. Given the mean and the median being so different, it's likely that there is substantial skew - and you confirm this in a comment.

Various assumptions might be reasonable.

With median = 55 and IQR = 66 (and no other info or assumptions), then, with a symmetric distribution, you would have 22 and 88 for the quartiles. But you could have anything from -10 and 56 to 54 and 120. But you have additional info: The mean and sd - these will limit the possibilities. And you probably also can figure out some things from the nature of the variable (e.g. is it always positive?) and try various distributions.