Solved – Find all correlations between two sets of variables


I have a list of records with fields that can be seen as two sets of variables: dependent and independent. There are say 100 fields in each record and we consider 10 of them as dependent variables and 90 as independent.

What are the methods to find all the correlations that exist between the two sets?

(At introductory statistics course that I've taken we have been dealing with simple correlations between two variables but the task like this was not covered.)

Best Answer

I agree with Guillaume that a CCA could be useful. CCA is symmetric in the X and Y variables - so neither is presumed to be the cause of the other. If you truly believe that the "ten" are dependent on the "90", you could do a MANOVA. It's in R.

The MANOVA uses a principal components analysis to find the linear combination of the dependent variables, that is best explained by the independent variables.