Solved – Feature Selection Packages in R, which do both regression and classification

feature selectionr

I am very new to R. I am learning machine learning right now.
Very sorry, if this question appears to be very basic.
I am trying to find a good feature selection package in R.
I went through Boruta package. It is a good package but I read that it is only useful for classification.

I want to do implement feature selection in R for regression tasks. I went through the caret package documentation but for my level, it is very difficult to understand.

Can any one please point me to a good tutorial or list any good packages or most frequently used packages in R for feature selection.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

You can also have a look at FSelector, varSelRF. FSelector contains multiple functions for feature selection based for example on the chi square test, on the information theory (entropy, mutual information, gain ratio,...), on the correlation between feature, consistency etc... varSelRF is a useful package for feature selection using random forests with backwards variable elimination and with importance spectrum.

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