Solved – Fast way to compute central moments of a Poisson random variable

algorithmscomputational-statisticsmomentspoisson distributionrandom variable

I am looking for a way to quickly compute the central moments of a Poisson random variable. I've found a couple of resources on how to compute the central moments, but I'm still trying to figure out if there are any fast algorithms out there. Of course I'd prefer an exact answer, but I'd be happy to trade off accuracy for speed.

Any ideas? Any papers I should look into?

Edit: To be more specific, given a $\lambda$ and $n$, I need to calculate the $n^{th}$ central moment. In other words, for a Poisson random variable $X$ with parameter $\lambda$, I need to calculate

Best Answer

Use the recurrence relation


The initial conditions are

  • 1st central moment = $0$
  • 2nd central moment = $\lambda$

Using these in the equation you will find the 3rd central moment is $\lambda.$ (Bear in mind that all central moments are zero when $\lambda=0,$ implying the differential equation has a unique solution.)
Again use the 2nd and 3rd central moments to obtain the 4th and so on.

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