Solved – Factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha

categorical datacronbachs-alphareliability

My research work is based on a questionnaire which includes all types of questions, ordinal as well as nominal, but 80% of the questions are based on Likert scale 1-5. My question is whether Cronbach's alpha can be calculated for all types of questions even if they are not on scale format? Secondly whether Cronbach's alpha or reliability should be done before or after conducting factor analysis and what if it comes to be too low? Also, how do we select questions from the questionnaire for factor analysis, can it be random?

Best Answer

As mentioned in the comments by ttnphs, Cronbach's alpha $\alpha$ (a reliability measure of internal consistency) is not appropriate for ordinal and nominal data, as it was designed for scale (or metrical data). Factor analysis, however, can easily accommodate ordinal and nominal data. When using factor analysis omega $\omega$ is typically used as a measure of internal consistency. Unlike $\alpha$, $\omega$ is a model-based estimate of reliability - thus it can only be calculated after the factor analysis has been run (and is returned by default in many software packages) regardless of your item type (just make sure the appropriate link function is used for each item).

I am not sure what you mean by item selection if you could elaborate on the context I may be able to help.

Below are a couple of useful articles regarding the use of $\alpha$ in scenarios where factor analysis is the appropriate measurement model.

McNeish, D. (2018). Thanks coefficient alpha, we’ll take it from here. Psychological methods, 23(3), 412.

Raykov, T., & Marcoulides, G. A. (2019). Thanks coefficient alpha, we still need you!. Educational and psychological measurement, 79(1), 200-210.