Solved – Extrapolating a lowess model

curve fittingdata visualizationr

Those lines are based on a lowess fit of points I have.

I would like to be able to extrapolate those lines up to x=500 for instance. I would like to extend this plot and see if those lines reach a plateau or not.

Is there a way to do this ?

The CSV data for the blue line is here:

enter image description here

The idea is fill this plot with extrapolated dashed lines.
enter image description here

Best Answer

Curiously, I just addressed a similar question here, although that was in the context of a standard linear model, instead of loess. Reading that may give you some of the background ideas. I will take the substance of this question to pertain specifically to loess per se. The theory behind loess is to have a semi-parametric fit that yields a predicted value based only on a few nearby points, weighted by proximity. There is typically a bandwidth argument that gives the range of $x$ values that would be considered 'nearby' (although this may be determined automatically, or set by default). The weights on any existing data point outside this window will be 0. Moreover, whatever the bandwidth is set to, it will certainly not be wider than the width of your data set. Thus, the ideas behind loess absolutely preclude extrapolating a predicted value for $x=500$ from a loess fit based on data that range from [0,100]. Even beyond this however, the predicted value is the one generated when the window is centered on the $x$ value to be used for the prediction--other possible predicted values when that $x$ is within the window, but not in the exact center, are not used or given any weight. You can see how this leads to complications as the window moves towards the ends of the range of $x$; it is often considered that loess is less reliable at the extremes of your existing $x$ range. These facts should make it clear that loess, unfortunately, cannot be used for extrapolating. It is possible that a parametric model could, but my first reaction would be to be very wary even in that case (see my previous answer for a better feel for that). Sorry to be the bearer of bad news...