Solved – Expressing beta estimate in terms of odds ratio for a continuous variable

generalized linear modellogisticodds-ratiorregression

I am making a table from results of an analysis using generalised linear model which involves detecting association of a categorical predictor variable over multiple outcome variables. Of those multiple outcome variables, few are binary where I display the odds ratio for each category of the predictor (as we do in logistic regression); while few are continuous outcome variables, in which case I can display the beta estimate for each category of the predictor. My question is will it be ok if exponentiate the beta value and express it as odds ratios. Can I do that?

Best Answer

There are two issues with that. First, you are assuming that a one-unit change in $x$ is meaningful. Second, you are restricting yourself to the case where $x$ is linear. In general think of odds ratios as anti-logs of differences in predicted logits ($X\hat{\beta}$). That way you can handle nonlinearities and meaningful ranges. The R rms package by default produces inter-quartile-range odds ratios for continuous predictors.

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