Expected Value – Calculating the Expected Value of a Bivariate Distribution via Integral

bivariateexpected valueintegral

Let's assume an absolutely continuous random variable, $X$, with PDF $f(x)$.

$$\mathbb{E}\big[X\big] = \int_{\mathbb{R}}xf(x)dx$$

If $X\sim f(x_1,x_2)$ is multivariate, then it makes sense to me to use the following integral.


Then use Fubini's theorem and calculate the double integral to obtain a number.

However, I would consider the expected value to be $\big(\mathbb{E}\big[X_1], \mathbb{E}\big[X_2]\big)$, a vector, not a number.

Why should the two disagree?

Best Answer

If your random variable is bivariate, then every realization is a pair of numbers.

The expectation of a random number can be thought of as "the long-run average".

A long-run average of a large number of pairs makes most sense as a pair of numbers, not a single number. Specifically, as the pair of the separate long-run averages.

Which is why the expectation of a multivariate random variable is defined as the vector of separate expectations.

More mathematically, the definition is that

$$ E[X] = \int_\Omega X(\omega)\,dP(\omega), $$

and of course each $X(\omega)$ is a vector. There is no notion of multiplying the components of $X$ together.

This is just integrating a vector-valued function $f\colon X\to\mathbb{R}^k$ to have $\int_X f(x)\,dx$, which is a different animal than integrating the product of the components of $f$, which would be $\int_X\prod f_i(x)\,dx$.

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