Solved – Example of left-tail distribution


Assuming that $X>0$, a lognormal distribution for such a random variable is considered right-tailed because it skews towards the right.

Out of curiosity, is there a well-known PDF that is left-tailed, i.e., skews to the left for $X>0$?


Best Answer

In general, distributions with tails are defined base on the definitions of the random variable in question. For example, for a random variable $X$ representing the amount of rainfall or revenue or population income. These all take only positive values such that $X \ge 0$ and they tend to follow very right-tailed distributions, such as Log-Normal, Gamma, Weibull and other common distributions.

However there are much fewer examples in common literature for random variables that are left-tailed and take values that skew to the left. There is a wide variety of data that exhibits this property, such as survival of human life (age of mortality) or scores of easy tests or simply flipping a weighted coin. It is generally tricky to parameterise a distribution which has a cutoff $<\infty$ so we don't really see too many formal well-known distributions that satisfy the left-skew. For another random variable, say $Y \ge 0$, as mentioned in the comment above, the Beta , Binomial, Dirichlet and even a Generalised Extreme Value distributions can be left tailed.

Beta with parameters a=5, b=2

Binomial with parameter p=5/7

In fact for some random variable $Z \in \Bbb R$ there are negatively-skewed distributions without placing a restriction on the strictly positive conditions used in economics for historical analysis of efficiency and by big banks and financial institutions for expected profits and regulatory requirements (skewed Normal).

Skewed Normal

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