Solved – estimating the upper bound on a uniform distribution from max order statistic

consistencyconvergencedistributionsorder-statisticsuniform distribution

I have a question.

Suppose that $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ are iid $U(0,\lambda)$ and let $X(n)$ denote the nth order statistic.

Suppose $\lambda$ is unknown and should be estimated from the sample.

Take $\lambda^* = \frac{(n+1)X(n)}n$ as the estimator of lambda. Find the distribution of $\lambda^*$.

I started with taking the CDF of a uniform distribution as $\frac{x}{\lambda}$. The CDF of the nth order statistic is $(\frac{x}{\lambda})^n$ after some operations I came up to the cdf of $\lambda^*$ is $(\frac{(n+1)x}{n\lambda})^n$

Now I am trying to find the expectation of $\lambda^*$.

I found the pdf $n(\frac{(n+1)x}{n\lambda})^{n-1}$ and am struggling to find the expectation. I suspect that it is $\lambda$ but am having trouble evaluating $$\int_0^\lambda xn(\frac{(n+1)x}{n\lambda})^{n-1}$$

Can anyone confirm that I did this correctly and help finding the expectation?

Best Answer

Taking your CDF and using whuber's hint, we have the expectation of the maximum as $$E[X_{(n)}] = \int_0^\lambda \left[ 1 - \left( {x \over \lambda} \right)^n \right]dx=\lambda - {\lambda \over {n+1}} $$ This simplifies to $$E[X_{(n)}]= \lambda \left[ {n \over {n+1}} \right]. $$ Then for your altered estimator we get $$E[\lambda^*]=\left[ {{n+1} \over n} \right] E[X_{(n)}]= \lambda.$$