Time-Series – Estimating the Same Model Over Multiple Time Series: A Comprehensive Guide

time series

I have a novice background in time series (some ARIMA estimation/forecasting) and am facing a problem I don't fully understand. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am analyzing multiple time series, all over the same time interval and all of the same frequency, all describing a similar type of data. Each series is just one variable, there are no other corresponding predictors that I'm looking at.

I have been asked to estimate a single model that describes ALL the series – for example, imagine I could find one ARIMA (p,d,q) with the same orders, coefficients, etc. that could fit all the series. My supervisor does not want me to separately estimate each series, nor does he want me to do some sort of VAR model with dependencies between the series.

My question is: what would I even call such a model, and how might I go about estimating / forecasting it? If it's easier for you to use code examples, I speak both SAS and R.

Best Answer

You could do a grid search: start with ARIMA(1,0,0) and try all the possibilities up to ARIMA(5,2,5) or something. Fit the model to each series, and estimate a scale-independent error measurement like MAPE or MASE (MASE would probably be better). Choose the ARIMA model with the lowest average MASE across all your models.

You could improve this procedure by cross-validating your error measurement for each series, and also by comparing your results to a naive forecast.

It might be a good idea to ask why you're looking for a single model to describe all of the series. Unless they're generated by the same process, this doesn't seem like a good idea.