Solved – Estimating max value from statistical data

descriptive statisticsestimationextreme value

Assuming that you have the following values for a data set:

  • Median
  • Mean
  • First quartile
  • Third quartile
  • Standard deviation
  • Number of elements
  • Minimum value

, would it be possible to somewhat accurately calculate / estimate the maximum value?

Best Answer

"Somewhat accurately", not. The maximum (the order statistic $X_{(n)}$ where $X_{(1)} \le \dotsm \le X_{(n)}$) will obviusly be larger than the third quartile. To say more, you will need some assumptions. I will assume iid data, else not very much can be said.

Is the distribution symmetric (can be judges by seeing if mean and median are both about midway between first and third quartiles)? Could it be close to normal (could be judged by comparing standard deviation with interquartile range)? Then you could get something by using joint distribution of order statistics. If tails could be much heavier than normal, you should look into extreme value theory.

If you could tell us something about which assumptions you are willing to assume, maybe something more concrete could be said.