Solved – Estimated Marginal Means or means from descriptives

anovameanrepeated measuresspss

I'm currently looking at a 2×2 Repeated Measure Anova for an undergrad project but I'm struggling to find information about which means to report.

I will be reporting the Within-Subjects Anova,the Interaction and the Between Subjects Anova.

I have a Profile Plot to show the Estimated Marginal Means of Measure1 which I will be using to show that there is no interaction between the two.

However – I'm am struggling to find information regarding the reporting of means.

I have a table of descriptive with the Mean and SD. Then towards the end of the SPSS output I have a section with Estimated Marginal Means.

Which of these would I report and how would they be reported? Would this before or after details of the Anova are reported?

Any help appreciated as I have been sat here for hours struggling with this.

Best Answer

I'm a bit confused by your question, but as you are planning on reporting both within- and between-subjects effects, I assume you are actually conducting a mixed-design ANOVA.

Regardless, the tables of descriptives are what you probably want to report; the estimated marginal means are the means controlling for covariates (i.e., the mean of X when Y is held constant at its mean value). How you report these depends on how many descriptives you have to report; I would report the means and standard deviations in text if there are only a few of them, and in a table if there are many.