Estimation Techniques – How to Estimate Mean and Standard Deviation from Percentiles

descriptive statisticsestimationquantiles

I have a derived dataset that specifies the percentiles from the 10th to 95th in increments of 5 along with the total number of data points. Is there a way to estimate the mean of the original dataset?

Best Answer

Yes you would weight each incremental Midpoint by its probability and sum up. The probability is 5% each time as given, the first increment has 10%.

This is equivalent to the definition of mean:

$E(X)=\sum_{i=1}^n x_i p_i$

For the variance you have:

$V(X)=\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i-E(X))^2p_i$

And standarddeviation $\sigma=\sqrt {V(X)}$.