Solved – Empirical justification for the one standard error rule when using cross-validation

cross-validationmodel selectionregularization

Are there any empirical studies justifying the use of the one standard error rule in favour of parsimony? Obviously it depends on the data-generation process of the data, but anything which analyses a large corpus of datasets would be a very interesting read.

The "one standard error rule" is applied when selecting models through cross-validation (or more generally through any randomization-based procedure).

Assume we consider models $M_\tau$ indexed by a complexity parameter $\tau\in\mathbb{R}$, such that $M_\tau$ is "more complex" than $M_{\tau'}$ exactly when $\tau>\tau'$. Assume further that we assess the quality of a model $M$ by some randomization process, e.g., cross-validation. Let $q(M)$ denote the "average" quality of $M$, e.g., the mean out-of-bag prediction error across many cross-validation runs. We wish to minimize this quantity.

However, since our quality measure comes from some randomization procedure, it comes with variability. Let $s(M)$ denote the standard error of the quality of $M$ across the randomization runs, e.g., the standard deviation of the out-of-bag prediction error of $M$ over cross-validation runs.

Then we choose the model $M_\tau$, where $\tau$ is the smallest $\tau$ such that

$$q(M_\tau)\leq q(M_{\tau'})+s(M_{\tau'}),$$

where $\tau'$ indexes the (on average) best model, $q(M_{\tau'})=\min_\tau q(M_\tau)$.

That is, we choose the simplest model (the smallest $\tau$) which is no more than one standard error worse than the best model $M_{\tau'}$ in the randomization procedure.

I have found this "one standard error rule" referred to in the following places, but never with any explicit justification:

Best Answer

For an empirical justification, have a look at page 12 on these Tibshirani data-mining course notes, which shows the CV error as a function of lambda for a particular modeling problem. The suggestion seems to be that, below a certain value, all lambdas give about the same CV error. This makes sense because, unlike ridge regression, LASSO is not typically used only, or even primarily, to improve prediction accuracy. Its main selling point is that it makes models simpler and more interpretable by eliminating the least relevant/valuable predictors.

Now, to understand the one standard error rule, let's think about the family of models we get from varying $\lambda$. Tibshirani's figure is telling us that we have a bunch of medium-to-high complexity models that are about the same in predictive accuracy, and a bunch of low-complexity models that are not good at prediction. What should we choose? Well, if we're using $L_1$, we're probably interested in a parsimonious model, so we'd probably prefer the simplest model that explains our data reasonably well (as Einstein supposedly said, "as simple as possible but no simpler"). So how about the lowest complexity model that is "about as good" as all those high complexity models? And what's a good way of measuring "about as good"? One standard error.