Solved – elastic net- confidence intervals for parameters

confidence intervalelastic net

Can I see the intervals and p values for each coefficient in elastic net model?
I wrote:

elastNet<-cv.glmnet(pred, comp,alpha=.8,standardize = TRUE, family="binomial",type.measure="auc")

If I write the following I get the numbers, but no intervals.


Also I can add the parameter s (I guess is the lambda value)


To choose a lambda value first I saw the graph:

enter image description here

And also considered:

> elastNet$lambda.min
[1] 0.0007603077
> elastNet$lambda.1se
[1] 0.01492515

So I decided to choose sth in the middle:


And I got 26 variables with values (I had 59).

I would like to know the confidence interval for each variable. Can I get some idea of this form the following graph?

enter image description here

Also, I f I need the KS measure, does the software provides it?

Best Answer

I don't think this is currently possible; see these slides [PDF] of Rob Tibshirani. Slide 13 mentions they can't yet provide a p-value for terms in a lasso model. Those slides describe a test that gives p-values of terms as they enter the Lasso model.

One further assumes therefore that confidence intervals are not available either.

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