Solved – Dynamic factor analysis vs factor analysis on differences

factor analysistime series

I'm trying to wrap my head around dynamic factor analysis. So far, my understanding is that DFA is just factor analysis plus a time series model on the scores (the loadings remain fixed). However, in the cases that I've seen, the model on the scores is just a random walk with a diagonal correlation matrix. This seems identical to normal factor analysis applied to the differences. What am I missing?

If you know of any good references to get me started, I'd appreciate them. I'd actually like to find something that allows the loadings to be slowly-varying; my context for thinking about that is West&Harrison-style DLMs, which hasn't got me far.

Best Answer

Here goes:

In my field (developmental science) we apply DFA to intensive multivariate time-series data for an individual. Intensive small samples are key. DFA allows us to examine both the structure and time-lagged relationships of latent factors. Model parameters are constant across time, so stationary time-series (i.e., probability distributions of stationarity of stochastic process is constant) is really what you are looking at with these models. However, researchers have relaxed this a bit by including time-varying covariates. There are many ways to estimate the DFA, most of which involve the Toeplitz matrices: maximum likelihood (ML) estimation with block Toeplitz matrices (Molenaar, 1985), generalized least squares estimation with block Toeplitz matrices (Molenaar & Nesselroade, 1998), ordinary least squares estimation with lagged correlation matrices (Browne & Zhang, 2007), raw data ML estimation with the Kalman filter (Engle & Watson, 1981; Hamaker, Dolan, & Molenaar, 2005), and the Bayesian approach (Z. Zhang, Hamaker, & Nesselroade, 2008).

In my field DFA has become an essential tool in modeling nomothetic relations at a latent level, while also capturing idiosyncratic features of the manifest indicators: the idiographic filter.

The P-technique was a precursor to DFA, so you might want to check that out, as well as what came after... state-space models.

Read any of the references in the list for estimation procedures for nice overviews.

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