Solved – DQN with XGBoost

boostingreinforcement learning

Normally a DQN, uses a neuronal network to estimate the Q-Value. I have framed my problem as a regression problem before and have observed that XGBoost does outperform a NN.

Is it possible to replace the NN in a DQN with XGboost? I haven't found any hint/documentation about this at all. So anything would help me.

Best Answer

In Q learning, it is possible to use practically any regression model that can be updated incrementally.

In fitted Q learning, any regression model can be used, including tree-based approaches, see e.g. page 70 of this book:

However, we can hardly speak about Deep Q learning that relates to deep neural networks by nature, i.e. including automated feature extraction from non-trivial objects (images, texts).