Solved – Does there exist zero-inflated linear regression

regressionzero inflation

I have a non-count data with huge number of zeros in the target variable. I need to fit a model being a mixture of Dirac delta function and normal distribution parametrized by mean $X\beta$ and variance $\sigma^2$, with mixing proportion $\pi$, i.e.

$$ y \sim \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} 0 & \text{ with probability }\pi
\mathcal{N}\left(X \beta, \sigma^2 \right) & \text{ with probability } 1-\pi\end{array} \right.$$

to account for the excess zeros. Could you provide me with any references about such models? Or maybe there is some approach that is better, then the above, for continuous, zero-inflated data?

Best Answer

I have found 2 references so far using zero-inflated normal regression, one in medical research and the other in animal conservation:

Both the response variables, Agatston scores of CAC and the number of fledglings of brood, are probably non-negative, however.