Solved – does rstandard standardize in z


I'm new to R, so please be gentle.

I was under the impression that rstandard(model) returns the z-scores of the residuals in model. However, when I standardized the residuals myself in z, the result was different. In fact, rstandard(model) had a mean different from 0 and had a standard deviation different from 1. The differences seem to be nonnegligible. What exactly does rstandard(model) do? Or am I doing something wrong here?

> x = rnorm(30, mean = 100, sd = 15)
> y = rnorm(30, mean = 100, sd = 15)
> model = lm(y ~ x)
> z.res = residuals(model)/sd(residuals(model)) #standardizing it myself
> rstandard(model) - z.res #difference between rstandard and what i did
            1             2             3             4             5 
-4.422354e-04  1.556269e-04 -4.576832e-03 -1.274350e-03  1.048068e-01 
            6             7             8             9            10 
-2.333922e-02  1.820134e-02 -3.307542e-03  3.368978e-02 -1.804108e-04 
           11            12            13            14            15 
-1.100621e-01 -1.343715e-03 -1.300427e-03  1.509862e-03  3.246602e-03 
           16            17            18            19            20 
 3.734255e-03 -1.821539e-06 -1.153190e-02 -1.713254e-06 -2.185101e-02 
           21            22            23            24            25 
-2.681935e-02  2.562472e-03 -4.721114e-02 -1.084481e-04 -3.430827e-03 
           26            27            28            29            30 
 4.149684e-04  7.705807e-04  2.166815e-03  2.537837e-02  4.182761e-04 
> mean(z.res) 
[1] -9.428041e-18 
#as expected of z-scores, mean is 0
> sd(z.res)
[1] 1 
#as expected of z-scores standard deviation is 1
> mean(rstandard(model)) 
[1] -0.001990908
#not really 0
> sd(rstandard(model)) 
[1] 1.019699
#not really 1

Also, the way I understood Standardized residuals in R's lm output, rstandard is actually studentized residuals. But isn't there already rstudent?

I'm using R version 2.14.1 in Xubuntu 12.04.

Thank you.

Best Answer

rstandard() produces standardised residuals via normalisation to unit variance using the overall error variance of the residuals/model.

rstudent() produces Studentized residuals in the same way, but it uses a leave-one-out estimate of the error variance.

The key line in rstandard() is

res <- infl$wt.res/(sd * sqrt(1 - infl$hat))

where sd is defined as


where model is the object returned by lm. But note this is not the same as sd(resid(model))

Note that the sd is also scaled by the hat values $1 - h_{ii}$ which together explain the discrepancy with your values.

The key line in rstudent() is

res <- res/(infl$sigma * sqrt(1 - infl$hat))

which is almost the same but sd is replaced via the leave-one-out estimate of the error variance (sd) infl$sigma