Solved – do a dependent t-test if pre & post were anonymous

repeated measuresspsst-test

I am trying to analyze the following case study using SPSS. What I have done so far as part of my research is to conduct a case study to measure the affect the introduction of different technology within a case study. To do this I ran a survey pre case study (before change) and another survey post case study (after change). I am now trying to analyse the datasets.

I have imported the datasets into one dataset, with a variable for system to represent which system the results were collected for (0 for system A, 1 for system B). From what I have learnt in stats so far, I need to run a t-test. The case study ran for 7 months, and since the group is more or less the same group (that used both systems and now I want to evaluate), I should run a dependent sample t-test. Am I correct? Both surveys were run anonymously.

It seems to me that dependent sample t-test follows a group of people, and then collects the results of the same people, knowing that person A scored 1 and then scored 2. Since my data is anonymous, I cannot really track this.

Best Answer

After further research I just learnt that "This situation means that neither a paired t-test nor an independent samples t-test is appropriate. You can't do a paired t-test because this requires actually matching each individuals' pre and post surveys, and you can't do an independent samples t-test because the observations aren't independent.”