Solved – Distribution of the exponential of an exponential random variable

exponential distributionprobabilityrandom variable

Let $X$ be a real valued random variable with exponential distribution. Let $a$ be a complex number. What is the distribution of $Y = e^{aX}$? Can Y be written in the form of another known distribution?

NOTE: based on the answer of Deep North (below) I note that solving the above problem is equivalent to solve this one:

$Y = e^{aX} = e^{(a_r + i a_i) X} = e^{a_rX} \cos(a_i X) + i e^{a_rX} \sin(a_i X)$. So the answer might also be a pair of distributions if it is not possible to write it as a single answer in the complex plane.

Best Answer

\begin{align} F(y) &= P(Y<y) \\ &= P(e^{aX}<y) \\ &= P(aX<\ln y) \\ &= P(X<\frac{\ln y}{a}) \\ &=\int_0^{\frac{\ln y}{a}}\lambda e^{-\lambda y}dy \\ &= \left.-e^{-\lambda y}\right\vert_{0}^{\frac{\ln y}{a}}\\ &=1-y^{-\lambda/a} \end{align}

We take derivatives of both side:

$$f(y)=\frac{\lambda}{a}y^{-\lambda/a -1}$$

A Beta distribution when $0<y<1$ with $\beta=1$?