Solved – Distribution of ratio $X/Y$ where $X$ is normal, $Y$ is half normal

normal distribution

I know the ratio of 2 normally distributed random variables is a cauchy distribution…which, of course, has no variance.

But, if I have $X$ and $Y=|X|$ and take this ratio:

$Z=X/Y$, is it possible to find the variance of the ratio of the normal distribution to the half normal?

Edit: (More details)

I am missing something a little in the answers so far, but I am extremly grateful. Let me provide a little more background.

Measuring data from sensors includes the process value and some noise. Xk = Vk + Nk, where Vk is the process measurement and Nk is the noise.

There are two issues, (1) Estimating Vk and (2) detecting a shift or change point.

I can estimate Vk using an exponential filter.

so F0k = a*(Xk) + (1-a)*F0k-1.
The expected value of F0 -> E(F0) = E(X). This means exponential filtering will give me my expected value.
The variance of F0 -> var(F0) = (a/(2-a))*var(X)

At this point I am interested in residuals: RES = Xk – F0k. This quantity should be 0 in the steady state. That is to say, the expected value is 0. I also assume that the value will be normally distributed (don't yell at me about this assumption). I can estimate the expected value online using a simple exponential filter (basically the same as an average):

F1k = b*(RES) + (1-b)*F1k-1.

The expected value of F1 -> E(F1) = E(RES) = 0.
The variance of F1 -> var(F1) = (2/(2-a))(b/(2-b))*var(X)

Then I can take abs(RES) and use exponential filtering again:

F2k = b*(abs(RES)) + (1-b)*F2k-1

The expected value of F2 -> E(F2) = E(abs(RES)) = [sqrt(2/(2-a))*sqrt(2)/(sqrt(pi))]std(X).
The variance of F2 -> var(F2) = (2/(2-a))

All of these expected values and variances are just from either the exponential filtering properies or the expected value and variance of the normal or half-normal distribution.

My question was, what is the variance (and expected value) of Z = F1/F2

F1 will be some normally distributed value with expected value = 0.
F2 will be some half-normally distributed value with expected value based on the standard deviation of x.

Can you find the var of Z?

I understand that X/abs(X) would just give you a bernoulli, but it seems it doesn't give me exactly what i'm looking for?

Edit: (More details)

Here are some interesting simulation results:

F1 – exponential filter of Residual (noise added to original signal was Gaussian – result is normally distributed)

enter image description here

F2 – exponential filter of abs(Residual) (half-normal distribution)
enter image description here

Z – F1/F2 – simulated distribution of ratio of F1/F2 (notice the large variance around expected value of 0)

enter image description here

Best Answer

In general, the variance of $X/Y$, where $X$ is normal and $Y$ is half-normal, does not exist. Informally, this is because $Y$ has too much mass near 0. However, the situation you described is a special case, since $Y = |X|$.

In your description $X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)$ and $Y = |X|$. Therefore

$$ Z = \frac{X}{|X|} = {\rm sign}(X) = \begin{cases} 1 &\mbox{if } X > 0 \\ -1 & \mbox{if } X < 0. \end{cases} $$

So, $Z = 1$ with probability $p = P(X>0) = \Phi \left( \frac{\mu}{\sigma} \right) $, where $\Phi$ denotes the Normal CDF, which fully characterizes the distribution of $Z$, which is the question posed by the title.

To answer the question posed in the body of your post about the variance of $Z$, note $Z$ can be written as $2B - 1$ where $B \sim {\rm Bernoulli}(p)$ (see here for info on the Bernoulli distribution). Therefore,

$$ E(Z) = E(2B-1) = 2p-1 $$

$$ {\rm var}(Z) = {\rm var}(2B-1) = 4{\rm var}(B) = 4p(1-p)$$

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