Distributions – What Is Wrong with the Distribution of a Ratio of Uniforms?

cumulative distribution functiondistributionsself-studyuniform distribution

Suppose that $X$ and $Y$ are two i.i.d. uniform random variables on the interval $[0,1]$

Let $Z=X/Y$, I am finding the cdf of $Z$, i.e. $ \Pr(Z\leq z) $.

Now, I came up with two ways of doing this. One produces a correct answer consistent with the pdf here: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/UniformRatioDistribution.html, the other does not. Why is the second method wrong?

First Method

$\newcommand{\rd}{\mathrm{d}} \Pr(Z\leq z) = \Pr(X/Y\leq z) = \Pr(X\leq zY) = \int^{1}_{0}\int^{\min(1,zy)}_{0} \rd x \rd y = \int^{1}_{0}\min(1,zy)\ \rd y$
$ = \left\{
\int^{1/z}_{0}zy\ \rd y + \int^{1}_{1/z} \rd y& : z > 1\\
\int^{1}_{0}zy\ \rd y & : z \leq 1
$ = \left\{
1 – \frac{1}{2z} & : z > 1\\
\frac{z}{2} & : z \leq 1

This appears correct.

Second Method

$\Pr(X/Y\leq z) = \Pr(X \leq zY\ |\ zY \geq 1)\Pr(zY \geq 1) + \Pr(X \leq zY\ |\ zY < 1)\Pr(zY < 1) $ by total probability

$ = \Pr(X \leq zY\ |\ zY \geq 1)\Pr(Y \geq 1/z) + \Pr(X \leq zY\ |\ zY < 1)\Pr(Y < 1/z)$

Taking $z>1$ yields
$ (1)(1-\frac{1}{z}) + (\int^{1/z}_{0}\int^{zy}_{0} \rd x \rd y)(\frac{1}{z}) = 1-\frac{1}{z} + (\int^{1/z}_{0}zy\ \rd y)(\frac{1}{z}) = 1-\frac{1}{z} + \frac{1}{2z^{2}}$

This is already different. Why is this wrong?


Best Answer

Here is a hint.

Consider carefully the term $\mathbb P( X \leq z Y \mid z Y < 1 )$. In particular, for concreteness, choose $z = 2$, so that we are considering the event $\mathbb P( X \leq 2 Y \mid Y < 1/2 )$.

Now, look at this picture (which is very closely related to the above probability).

Conditional probability plot for ratio of uniforms

Now, does that conditional probability depend on our particular choice of $z$?

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