Negative Binomial Distribution – Dispersion Parameter of Negbin Distribution


Can anybody show me, why the dispersion parameter of the negative binomial distribution is taken to be one? In the Poisson case you can show that $E(y)/V(y)=\mu/\mu=1$ which is called equidispersion. But how can you show that the dispersion parameter of the negative binomial distribution is 1 as well?

Best Answer

For a general exponential family, we have the variance in the following form:

$$Var(Y_{i})=\phi h(E[Y_{i}])$$

for some function $h(.)$. Using the wikipedia definition of negative binomial we have a pdf of:

$$p(Y_{i}=y|r,p)={r+y-1 \choose y}p^{y}(1-p)^{r}\;\;\;\;\;\;y=0,1,2,\dots$$

And this has expectation $E[Y_{i}]=\frac{pr}{1-p}$ and a variance equal to $Var[Y_{i}]=\frac{pr}{(1-p)^{2}}$. Note that this cannot be written in the usual form for a generalised linear model, but has the form:


And as such it can be seen as taking the function $h(x)=x+\frac{1}{r}x^{2}$. hence dispersion equal to "1". although neg binomial technically not a member of exponential family (as it is a mixture of exponential family, similar to student distribution).

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