Solved – Difficulty with auto.arima function results


I am new to R and the ARIMA model and I am attemping to forecast 1440 values into the future using a base of roughly 5000 numbers. It is data extracted roughly every minute from a machine log(performance values). The intend to forecast 1 day into the future, which explains the 1440 values(as they are minutes).

Here is my result using the following commands:

fcast<-forecast(arima, h=1440);


The prediction begins at the flat line on the right hand side.

Forecast method: ARIMA(0,1,1)                   

Model Information:
Series: datats 

s.e.   0.0071

sigma^2 estimated as 86737:  log likelihood=-21221.46
AIC=42446.93   AICc=42446.93   BIC=42458.93

Error measures:

                    ME     RMSE      MAE       MPE     MAPE      MASE
Training set 0.6506441 294.4619 196.7211 -59.85254 85.45473 0.7637028
Training set 0.01519673

Dataset here:

Is the issue too little past values?
To many values to be predicted?

Any information or advice would be extremely welcomed, any other information required will be provided.

Best Answer

With MA(1) model next forecast is based on one lag error term and after that best forecast is simply series long-term mean.

I bet that your model has so high frequency that this modeling technique cannot model possible seasonality in it by seasonal lag operator polynomials.