Solved – Differences between MANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA

anovamanovarepeated measuressphericity

  • What is the difference between a repeated measures ANOVA over some factor (say experimental condition) and a MANOVA?
  • In particular one website I stumbled across suggested that MANOVA does not make the same assumption of sphericity that repeated measures ANOVA does, is that true?
    • If so, why would one not just always use MANOVA?
  • I am trying to conduct a repeated measures ANOVA with multiple DVs, what is the appropriate approach?

Best Answer

Having several repeated-measures DVs one can apply a univariate approach (also called Repeated Measures sensu stricto or split-plot approach) or multivariate approach (or MANOVA). In univariate approach, RM levels are treated as deviations from one variable, their average level. In multivariate approach, RM levels are treated as covariates of each other. Univariate approach requires sphericity assumption while multivariate approach does not, and because of this it is becoming more popular indeed. However, it spends more df and thus needs larger sample size. Also, univariate approach retains its popularity because it generalizes to Mixed models. When sphericity assumption (and beyond expectation more general compound symmetry assumption too) holds results by both approaches are very similar, as far as I know.

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