Solved – Differences between hierarchical regression and stepwise regression analysis


I have to run an analysis using different steps, to include first the control variables, second the independent variables, and finally the interaction terms (moderation). However, I don't know if I should use hierarchical regression or stepwise.

Could anyone explain me what are the differences between both methods? When do we use each one of them?

Thanks a lot!!

Best Answer

In hierarchical regression you decide which terms to enter at what stage, basing your decision on substantive knowledge and statistical expertise.

In stepwise, you let the computer decide which terms to enter at what stage, telling it to base its decision on some criterion such as increase in $R^2$, AIC, BIC and so on.

When to use which? Use hierarchical regression when you have knowledge of the field in which you are building a model. As for stepwise... well, I am tempted to say "don't use it". If you must use an automated procedure, you should use one that penalizes models for complexity, such as LASSO or LAR. The problems of stepwise have been discussed here many times, searching for stepwise should find lots of posts.

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