Solved – Difference between rulefit and random forest

machine learningrandom forest

I'm trying to understand the difference between these a bit better. I understand pretty well how random forests work but I guess I'm more hazy on rulefit and how exactly it's different. I know rulefit will incorporate linear components and so can fit linear trends better. What other ways do they differ?

Best Answer

In fact, RuleFit does excessive pruning on a random forest. It tries to find a set of rules generated by random forest to obtain accuracy as close as possible to the accuracy of random forest while reducing the number of rules tremendously. Finally, it builds a model consisting of simple and short rules which are extracted from random forest and builds a comprehensive and understandable model from random forest which is a black box model. How ? It builds a linear model from random forest rules and using an optimization method (Lasso) finds a sparse weight vector that determines which rules are the most important ones. At the end few rules have non-zero weights and the rest of the rules are removed from the ensemble. There are also similar methods with the same aim such as NodeHarvest, but RuleFit has better performance.

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