Solved – Difference between Random Forests and Decision tree

cartmachine learningrandom forest

I was led to use some techniques of statistics and machine learning, especially random forest method.

I need to understand the difference between random forests and decision trees and what are the advantages of random forests compared to decision trees.

Best Answer

You are right that the two concepts are similar. As is implied by the names "Tree" and "Forest," a Random Forest is essentially a collection of Decision Trees. A decision tree is built on an entire dataset, using all the features/variables of interest, whereas a random forest randomly selects observations/rows and specific features/variables to build multiple decision trees from and then averages the results. After a large number of trees are built using this method, each tree "votes" or chooses the class, and the class receiving the most votes by a simple majority is the "winner" or predicted class. There are of course some more detailed differences, but this is the main conceptual difference.