Solved – Difference between Partial Correlation and Semi-Partial Correlation


Partial Correlation is when there are three things connected each other(A,B,C), when comparing A and B, we should think about the effect of C so when we calculate the pure relationship between A and B, we have to remove the effect of C, right?

As I know, in the case of semi partial correlation with the same situation, we ignore the effect of C for A or B(so that A and B are independent, not dependent on C), so we calculate the pure relationship between A and B, right?

I think there is no effective/active difference between Partial correelation and semi-partial correlation.

Is there anyone helping me understnad clearly?

Best Answer

Partial correlation: Control for effect of other independent variables on outcome.

Part correlation: Control for effects of independent variables on outcome and among independent variables themselves so it represent the pure unique effect of the independent variable on the outcome.

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