Solved – Difference between forecast and prediction

forecastingregressionterminologytime series

I was wondering what difference and relation are between forecast and prediction? Especially in time series and regression?

For example, am I correct that:

  • In time series, forecasting seems to mean to estimate a future values given past values of a time series.

  • In regression, prediction seems to mean to estimate a value whether it is future, current or past with respect to the given data.

Best Answer

Your distinction sounds reasonable. There was a similar discussion at the analyticbridge website, where several people make various distinctions but none of them seem to agree.

The closest one was, "Forecasting would be a subset of prediction. Any time you predict into the future it is a forecast. All forecasts are predictions, but not all predictions are forecasts, as when you would use regression to explain the relationship between two variables."

So as you say, "forecast" implies time series and future, while "prediction" does not.

Note that there is also a term "projection" which is distinct from forecast or prediction, in some disciplines.