Solved – Determine paramaters for SARIMA model

acf-pacfarimalagsmodel selectiontime series

I have the following timeseries with a frequency of 12 (months).
Since there is both a trend and seasonality, I differenced the timeseries.
To determine the parameters p, q, P and Q for the SARIMA(p, 1, q)(P, 1, Q)_12 model, I look at the ACF and PACF of the differenced timeseries, shown below.

Now how do I determine the values for p, q, P and Q? I am having trouble reading the ACF and PACF. My guess is parameter P is 0 because the PACF does not show spikes at lag 24 and parameter Q is 2 because the ACF shows 2 spikes after lag 0, 12 and 24. Am I correct so far? About parameters p and q I am clueless.

As a note: auto.arima() gives a SARIMA(1,1,2)(0,1,2)_12 model.

Best Answer

P is 0? P is 1 because acf shows declining acf at 12,24 36 and pacf shows spike at 12. When modeling seasonal series, it's usually easier to work on either non-seasonal side or seasonal side separately. Not both at same time. Pick which ever is most obvious in acf or pacf. Then proceed step by step. Clear up seasonal side then work on non-seasonal side or vice versa. So, here fit seasonal AR(1), then look at the residual acf and pacf for more clues. Keep adding terms step by step until residuals are white noise. Then you can try overfitting; adding an extra term and check whether it is significant.

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