Solved – Detecting heteroscedasticity – Can I use Breusch-Pagan Test on binary logistic regression

data visualizationheteroscedasticitylogisticr

I'm currently testing a (binary) logistic regression model, which seems to have at least some issues with multicollinearity. Now I don't really trust the data anymore and would like to also test it on heteroscedasticity. I found some information on Breusch-Pagan Test on the internet, but I could not find an answer to the question if this test also applys on Maximum-Likelihood-Methods, as it is usually mentioned in the context of OLS. So, can I apply the Breusch-Pagan Test on my model?

Related to this question: How could I plot for heteroscedasticity-detection? I found this thread, but due to the binary nature of my dependent variable, the plot does not really work and unfortunately I'm pretty novice on plotting with R.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

The variance of binomial data is determined by the mean. One number rules them all. Logistic regression is designed around this and therefore there is no assumption of equal variance. The assumptions are:

  1. linearity in log odds space
  2. independent errors
  3. multicollinearity among predictors isn't too high