Solved – Dependent variable – bimodal

bimodaldata transformationnormal distributionrresiduals

I have a dependent variable,, that looks almost bimodal at 0 and 30.

enter image description here

I understand that there is no transformation that can normalize this. In fact, when I fit a linear model (lm) with a single predictor, I get the following residual plot. No transformation of DV or IV seems to help. How do I go about addressing this issue?

enter image description here

Please note that the dependent variable is not censored.

Best Answer

If you are interested in performing inference, then the distribution of the residuals does not matter (much). What is important is that the estimates you wish to perform inference on are normally distributed. This holds if the residuals are normally distributed, yes. But asymptotically, the estimates are normally distributed even for some quite non-normally distributed error terms, under some very mild regularity conditions. And with your sample size, asymptotics are almost sure to kick in, unless you have thousands of predictors. This may be helpful.

Note that with your large sample size, even tiny deviations from the null hypothesis will be statistically significant, so be sure to distinguish statistical from "real" significance.

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