Solved – Dendrogram: Hierachical Clustering on Text data

clusteringdata visualizationdendrogramhierarchical clustering

I would like to use hierarchical clustering for my text data using sklearn.cluster library in Python. However, when I plot the dendrogram to inspect where I should cut the clustering (or defining k/number of clusters), it is impossible to interpret due to high number of docs. Below is my dendrogram.

Dendrogram for my text data

Is there anyway that I could get more interpret-able dendrogram or any other alternatives? Now I am moving on to quantitative analysis to determine the k with silhouette score, but it would be great to have the dendrogram visualisation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I've seen this kind of dendogram with data on customer complaints (short text) when i tried computing the agglomerative clustering procedure with other methods rather than the ward algorithm.

Try computing cosine distance extracting cosine similarity of the feature matrix from 1 (this with sklearn.metrics.pairwise), then run ward() on what you got previously, then plot the dendogram (this using scipy.cluster.hierarchy).

Check this

Hope this helps !

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