Solved – Definition of stationary distribution in continuous time markov chains


I found the following definition:

"A probabilitly distribution $\pi = \{\pi_x\}_{x \in S}$ on the state space $S$ is called a stationary distribution for the Markov chain if for every $t > 0$,

\pi^T P_t = \pi^T

What does $P_t$ mean? I thought it was the t'th step matrix of the transition matrix P but then this would be for discrete time markov chains and not continuous, right?

Oh wait, is it the transition matrix at time t?

Best Answer

Please read the correct answer from the other post, as mentioned there, this answer incorrectly assumes a rate matrix instead of a transition Matrix.

You can always get a continuous time version of a discrete one by simply "Poissonizing" it. For example, if you have a discrete time Markov chain with transition matrix $T$ you get a continuous time version by considering $$P_t = \sum_{n\geq 0} \frac{t^n}{n!}\exp(-t)T^n $$ Hence the above definition makes sense in the context of continuous time Markov chains.

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